Thursday, October 22, 2009

At the moment we are training for our athletics day. This afternoon we played a version of 'boffa tag' where you are chased down the sprint track by someone with half a pool noodle. If they catch you and hit you, you're out. Its great for getting us to run really fast. Even Mr D and Miss W had a go! It was so much fun!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Room 3!!
    I'm on your blog!
    Right now i am working in a school called St Mary's which is in a small village about 2 hours away from Chennai in INDIA! Lots of people in the village have never seen a person with fair skin so they all stare at me in fascination!
    It's very different from your school. Their classrooms have no windows, just holes in the wall, and only blackboards with chalk! But all the children have been very nice so far just like you!
    The gala day looked very fun and I really liked all your poetry!
    Hope you are all being good for Miss A and that you get a dot on India on your blog map!!!
    Love from Miss W
