Friday, January 29, 2010

This Blog Belongs to the Children of Room 3

This Blog will be managed by the children of Room 3, 2010. They will have responsibility for deciding content, writing, editing, adding images, problem solving, and anything else they can learn how to do during the year. The children's postings will build a picture diary of Room 3, school and community events, learning, and understandings through the eyes of the children. It will also give them opportunity to publish their work to the world.

Believe me, it will be fantastic!

Visitors to this blog, please take the time to look at what these children get up to, and interact with them by commenting on their postings.

From time to time I will pop on and post, but for now, like you, I sit back and wait with anticipation the beginning postings of our new class for the new decade.

Who, I wonder, will be first?


Welcome to 2010 in Room 3

Dear children of Room 3, 2010:
I am excited to post the first post for 2010 in our newly adopted blog. Rather than start all over again, the Room 1 class of 2009 decided to gift the old Room 1 blog to Mr P and the new Room 1 class this year. At the same time, we have taken over the 2009 Room 3 blog. That way, the 2009 children from both classes can look back on their fantastic postings, and no work is lost.
I can't wait until we are all in class together and getting to know more about each other. The year ahead is looking ever so exciting - there are so many different learning opportunities, it is going to be hard to know where we should start!
This summer I went with my family to Gisborne (where I grew up), and we freedom camped at Kaiaua Beach which is about 1 hour from Gisborne around the East Coast. Freedom camping meant no power, no water, no cell phone coverage, and no toilets!! (We had to have our own cute little toilet tents). The weather was fantastic, and we did lots of swimming, relaxing, reading and playing games. Our tent is the big red one in the picture. So..... what did you do in the holidays? Post a comment and I will add it to the blog. Lets see how many old and new students of Room 3 (and Room 1) we can get to post.